Bringing people together across Cumbria –
a celebration of creativity, connection and place.


Artful Ways showcases a vibrant, active and diverse creative culture in Cumbria, and brings people together through walks and online events.

Over the summer of 2021, Artful Ways invited people around Cumbria to help put creativity & culture on the map. Together we created a new map of Cumbria showing walking routes that feature artistic and cultural places. People have been taking part individually, in small groups, and as part of organised events – you can find out what’s been going on by visiting the blog.

We have also gathered a wonderful collection of creative pieces inspired by walks and the project’s three artful questions. The full collection is shared in the online gallery. A selection of these pieces is on show in the Artful Ways exhibition, alongside work from five commissioned artists.

The exhibition launched at Tullie House in Carlisle in 2021 and tours Cumbria in 2022.

ARTFUL WAYS logo showing the words ARTFUL WAYS, meet - map - make, and a red footpath and a green footpath laid over a pale green background.